{"id":56,"user_id":null,"title":"Maximize Training Effect","summary":"Here are some tips to maximize your training when using the PrO2.","fulltext":"One key to maximally training your inspiratory muscles is ensuring you are exercising through the entire range of breath.\r\n\r\n**Exhaling**: With the device NOT in your mouth, exhale as much air out of your lungs as possible. Some people like to scrunch shoulders and lean forward a little to help get all the air out.\r\n\r\n**Inspiration**: Place the device in your mouth and breathe in as hard as you can for as long as you can. You want to start strong with your breath. This first couple seconds of inspiratory pressure is referred to as the Maximal Inspiratory Pressure or MIP. \r\n\r\nYou want to keep breathing in as hard as you can through the entire breath. The entire breath is referred to as Power or Sustained Maximal Inspiratory Pressure or SMIP. \r\n\r\nIn addition to these standard measures, the PrO2 also includes a patented FIT score that incorporates MIP, SMIP and inspiratory time into a single metric.\r\n\r\n**Posture**: The goal is to maximally train your inspiratory muscles. There is no wrong way to sit, stand, lean or position your body as long as you are focused on maximizing the breathing effort. As you go through training, it might be helpful to rest your elbows when breathing.\r\n\r\n**Nose Clips**: Especially on later reps, some users have problems with their nose leaking. Nose plugs can make it easier to focus solely on the inspiratory muscles. Standard swim nose clips or medical ones are appropriate.","category":4,"position":58,"created_at":"2024-11-14T21:54:08.239Z","updated_at":"2024-11-30T12:38:08.899Z","url":"https://pro2fit.com/articles/56.json"}